Celebrating a challenging 2021
We’re delighted to end 2021 on a high after a challenging but successful season running events in the UK, Europe and New Zealand. Even with the lingering effects of covid around the world we came out of the pandemic with a bang and held events for a record number of people – over 220 in the UK alone.
We held day sails on the Solent with our friends at Sunsail and the Disabled Sailor’s Association on the Spirit of Scott Bader, along with dinghy sailing on inland lakes in the UK. Outside the UK, we undertook a coastal passage in the Netherlands aboard Poseidon, a 40m Dutch sailing barge, along with our week-long adventure on board Steinlager 2 in New Zealand.

We are also extremely proud of our links with other charities and RYA Sailability. We held events at three RYA centres around the UK – the Midlands, Scotland and Northern Ireland. This being our first full year of being a RYA Sailability member, we quickly saw how absolutely brilliant the volunteers at these clubs are and we know they loved having us there – so thank you to all of them.
We always want to do more though and our mission is not just to give people an opportunity to sail, but to offer accessible options to sail and to continue their own individual journey towards magnificence. We have really tried to encourage people to take up sailing, whatever their experience or abilities. We want people to think “I like this… how can I put a date in my diary for my next sail?”.
We’re very excited about next year so watch this space! Expect a lot more day sailing in the UK and a few surprises as well too.
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