Greeting from the Oceans of Hope Challenge 2017
Seventy people living with MS from 14 countries have come to Croatia to challenge them selves in sailing – and celebrating life. Ten boats in the flotilla and lots of sailing already in very variable weather; from strong wind and rain to light breeze and burning sun.
It never stops impressing me what happens again and again in our Oceans of Hope sailing community. Just after a couple of days, one after the other starts challenging themselves by doing something they didn’t think they could. Like yesterday when Billy walked all the way up the hill to the town castle and back again – which by far exceeded what he would have imagined himself capable of doing. Or when Kristian danced all night at our networking party Tuesday sponsored by D-Marine. Or when Nich Jarvis tells everybody how last years Challenge changed his life completely.
Just like MS disconnects people to their own body, themselves, other people and life, Oceans of Hope seems to reconnect people. By creating a community of acceptance, trust and a feeling of belonging we experience how people thrive and excel to the healthy part of themselves.
On our last day we have a regatta, and then its time so say goodbye and see you soon during the next Oceans of Hope activities this summer – and of course for the Oceans of Hope Challenge next year.
Thank you Robert Munns and team for a brilliantly organised week!
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